Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come. PLEASE NOTE: Shown as ONE SIDED (meaning all the flowers are in the front) It will be arranged as ALL AROUND (meaning all these flowers will be front back and sides) If you want one sided, (as shown) please ask for that in comments when checking out. Thank you!
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come.
Picture someone receiving this sunny pitcher of daisies! It's so bright and full of warmth, it's guaranteed to make them smile. Besides being the perfect bouquet for any occasion, the dazzling yellow ceramic pitcher can be used and enjoyed for years to come.
All prices in USD ($)
16" H
14" W
Standard - $59.94
16 1/2" H
14" W
Deluxe - $69.94
17" H
15" W
Premium - $79.94